Sponsorship Opportunities

Our sponsors benefit from exposure to the hundreds of thousands of visitors to our site. Each month since we began measuring, the number of visitors to the Bicycle City website has increased significantly.

Why do people come to BicycleCity.com?

Our visitors come to us because of their interest in the environment and their commitment to make a difference in the ways that they impact the earth’s natural resources. They come because they are passionate about staying fit or about outdoor activities such as bicycling, hiking and kayaking. They find us because they are looking for healthier ways to live, by eating organically-grown food or by getting away from the noise, smog and danger of life with cars. They want to make a difference for people, animals and the earth.

Bicycle City.com Web Stats

  • July - 152,000+ unique visitors
  • June – 145,000+ unique visitors
  • May – 98,775 unique visitors
  • April – 50,525 unique visitors

Not only have we increased our web traffic by 187% in just two months, Google has also displayed BicycleCity.com's link over 115 million times in the last year. .

If you are looking to reach people who care about the environment, who are committed to active lifestyles and better health, a sponsorship program on our website can help. Your logo/link on our site will lead our visitors to you. In addition to our web site, we send a monthly email to people who have asked us to keep them updated. Your sponsorship would allow your logo to be included in these communications as well. Your logo would also be included in our marketing materials in conferences where we exhibit. Below is a list of the conferences we have recently attended:Ecocities-Banner

  • Ecocities World Summit, April 2008, San Francisco CA
  • Take Action for Animals, June 2008, Washington DC
  • Animal Rights 2008, August 2008, Alexandrta VA
  • Souteast Watershed Forum "Building Communities for the 21st Century, August 2008, Charleston SC

If you are interested in more information, please contact Joe Mellett at Joe@BicycleCity.com.