Ginny Frasier with ALLY, Cincinnati, OH
Ginny Frasier talks about schools and how they promote environmental education.
Ginny Frasier talks about schools and how they promote environmental education.
Gil Penalosa talks about the qualities of a humane city and why people need it.
Gil Penalosa talks about the importance of quality of life people look for in a city.
Ellie Blue and Joe Mellett discuss the bicycle advocacy project, SHIFT, based in Portland, Oregon. SHIFT focuses on planning events to showcase the highlights of riding a bike.
Andy Clark, Executive Director of League of American Bicyclists, talks about the new interest people, communities, and companies have in cycling.
Tony, a small business owner in Madison, Wisconsin talks about the benefits of bicycle traffic for his business.
In this video, Etienne talks about transportation. Etienne is an academic and business man from Guadalajuara, Mexico
Check out this video of Donna from Portland, Oregon talking about the financial benefits of being car-free.