Walking for Fitness and Gas Savings

An article at Canada.com touts the health and cash saving
benefits of turning to walking as an alternative to driving. Author Helen
Vanderburg mentions the muscle groups that get worked during walking – legs,
buttocks and lower back – and reminds us that we can walk to accomplish daily
tasks that are located near our homes and offices and get fit in the process.
She recommends buying a pedometer (they cost as little as $5 and increase
depending on the features you want) and setting a goal for 10,000 steps a day.

The 10,000 Step
is a popular one these days, as people strap on pedometers in the
morning and try to add in extra steps wherever they can to make their goal of
10,000 steps. The idea is to think of it in terms of meeting the numerical goal
and not concentrating so much on sweating, burning calories or getting in
shape. If you walk to the post office instead of drive, maybe there’s an extra
500 steps. If you take the stairs instead of the elevator, extra steps to you.
Same goes for parking at the end of the lot instead of grabbing the closest
space or taking a stroll at lunch time to grab something to eat. The push behind
this kind of challenge came as a response to the obesity crisis, but today, it
can work double duty, helping you save money on gas and keep some pollution
from the air.