One Attempt at a Car-free Life

Diana Nelson Jones of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette chronicles her two-month attempt to live without a car. Already able to walk to and from her office, she was living a car-light life, using her car on the weekends to meet friends or pick up groceries. Knowing she'd have a replacement car in two months, she sold her old car and was car free for two months. She found it both liberating and fun, but experienced occasions when she couldn't join friends because she lacked transportation. She carried a 40-pound bag of potting soil four blocks, traded strawberries for a neighbor's eggs and found rides when she absolutely needed it. She found that living car free made it easy to turn down invitations without feeling bad and made it easier to stick to a shopping list and budget. She saved money and as time went on, enjoyed aspects of car-free living more and more. She got a bike to get around faster.

But after two months, when her mother gave her a car, she returned to her car-light lifestyle, but learned to elminate big shopping trips, instead shopping for what she can on foot or bike. Her diary of the experience is an interesting read.