Clean Technology in Bicycle City

Bicycle City - Clean Technologies

One of the goals of Bicycle City is to be as energy efficient as possible. Energy efficiency saves the Earth’s precious natural resources, decreases contribution to global warming and saves money.

Clean technology (“cleantech”), according to, is new technology that both offers sustainable solutions to the climate crisis while offering high financial returns. Clean technology offers high performance and a low or non-existent impact on the Earth through the smart, innovative use of the world’s natural resources. Cleantech includes 11 market segments, all of which Bicycle City will embody to their fullest potential:

  • The clean technology market is expected to be an $82 billion industry by 2010. (CleanEdge)
  • From 2002 to 2006, California had 26% ($2.1 billion) of all North American clean technology funding. (CleanTech California)
  • 60% of that funding went to companies in Silicon Valley. (Clean Tech California)
  • In just the first nine months of 2007, $2.6 billion was invested in clean technology, more than what was invested in 2005 and 2006 combined. (Wall Street Journal)
  • Agriculture – Bicycle City will be home to organic farms, using the most sophisticated, cleanest technology to increase productivity of the freshest, most natural foods available.
  • Air and the Environment – Because Bicycle City will keep motorized vehicles on the perimeter of the community, our air will be fresh and smog-free. We won’t have the same levels of air and noise pollution found in other cities where cars outnumber people. Our commitment to the environment is one of the hallmarks of our mission.
  • Energy Efficiency – Bicycle City will be designed to include the most energy-efficient buildings possible, reducing our impact on the environment and conserving both energy and money.
  • Energy Generation – We expect to have a significant number of solar panels to generate solar energy, in addition to a wind farm that will also contribute renewable energy the community. See our Energy page for more!
  • Energy Infrastructure - we will strive to create a sustainable mix of energy generation, transimission and distribution with attention to detail and a policy of sharing what we learn and do.
  • Energy Storage – We expect that our energy generation will result in a surplus, and thus, we are prepared to store the excess in reserves that will be needed on dark or cloudy days.
  • Bicycle City - Clean Technologies

  • Manufacturing – our vision of light manufacturing in Bicycle City includes a green orientation on all aspects including materials, facilities, energy, safety, etc.
  • Materials – Bicycle City will be constructed using the cleanest materials available, whether it be recycled carpet in our homes or recycled tires in our paths.
  • Recycling – Bicycle City will facilitate recycling to the highest degree possible. Food waste can be turned into compost, and anything from cardboard to clothing can be recycled in some fashion. We plan to educate our residents and visitors and make it easy and efficient to minimize our waste.
  • Transportation – Transportation in Bicycle City will be exclusively human-powered. Our residents and visitors will walk, run, bike, skate, even skip! The design of our community will make it easy for people to take care of their everyday needs without a vehicle.
  • Water – We will encourage and facilitate the conservation of water wherever possible.