Joe Mellett's blog

Warning of Tragic Inaction

Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, has described the lack of effort to combat climate change as
tragic, described in an article
. He warns of a destabilization of human society if no action is
taken immediately. He is frustrated by the lack of action on the part of
developed countries, who were to set examples for other nations. This article

More Builders Going Green

Green homes are expected to comprise 10% of this year’s
total home sales, showing increasing interest on the part of both builders and
buyers, according to a report from Smart
Growth America
. They cite an increased number of applications for LEED
certification as just one indicator that there is a growing demand for green
building. It’s great to see that green

Tips on Saving Gas

Those of us here at Bicycle City can’t wait until the day
when articles like this aren’t necessary, but it’s a fact of life that we all
consume gas and we all want to consume less. So today CNN
offers tips on saving gas
, a few of which I am relating to help you all
save some money (and emissions!):

Easing Restrictions of the Protected Species Act

I don’t know much about how heavy Congress’ hand is in the
protection of animals, but this Time Magazine headline caught my eye: Bush
to Relax Protected Species Act
. So what I take from this article is that
federal agencies will no longer be allowed to determine how their projects will
contribute to global warming and its subsequent effect on animals and their

Creative Solutions

today features a story
on do-it-yourselfers who have converted their cars from
having standard gasoline engines to have electric engines. One man spent three
months building his new engine to run his S-10 pickup on 20 six-volt batteries.
He can go 40 miles before he needs to charge, but that’s plenty to get him to
and from work as well as daily errands. It’s also saved him $700 in gas in just
four months.

Pittsburgh Joins Wave

In keeping with trends sweeping the nation, my hometown of Pittsburgh
has decided to launch an effort to make the city more bicycle-friendly. Our
mayor brought in what the Post-Gazette
dubs a “bicycle czar.” Officially, Stephen Patchen serves as bike-pedestrian
coordinator, and it looks like he’ll be working to ease tensions between
motorists and cyclists, as well as coordinate cycling efforts with business and
